Silver Shopping-bag Band Wrap

Shopping-bag paper is often a thick and luxurious substance. It can be hard to wrangle into submission. But the paper is so beautiful it is hard to resist whatever challenges it throws one’s way.

This particular bag had enough dings and wrinkles that it was not suitable for an outright one-piece wrap. The solution to overcoming it’s surface complexity was to create a wrap with an even-more complex surface. So I cut the bagĀ  into strips and made folded-edge wrapping bands.

I did not want to wrap the ends with the thick paper, so I selected a blue tissue paper and capped the ends. Then I added successive silver bands to wrap the gift. I was aware of the white Optima letters from the bag’s logotype, making them into decorative trim, taking advantage of Hermann Zapf’s beautiful curves.

I finished the wrap with a silver cap-bow.

This is my first band wrap using one-color bands. The finished effect reminds me of the titanium-paneled building surfaces of Frank Ghery and Daniel libeskind.